Premature Ejaculation – A Guide for Men and Their Partners

Premature ejaculation is a source of frustration both for men and their partners. It can impact the quality of their sexual relationship. Some think that premature ejaculation is a disease, a problem that cannot be cured or fixed. Then there are those who think some men are born with better control than others. However these are myths and not true at all. Premature ejaculation can lead to feelings of embarrassment and lowered self-confidence. However, it’s crucial to recognize that this condition is treatable. Seeking assistance from professionals offering premature ejaculation treatment can provide tailored support and solutions. There are effective solutions available to manage this rather common issue. Yes, it is a common issue and not limited to a few. Premature Ejaculation is the most common sexual dysfunction in men. Before we delve into the solutions, let’s understand premature ejaculation a little better. What is premature ejaculation? What causes it? Can it be treated and how? Let us attempt to answer these for you.


What is premature ejaculation?
Premature ejaculation is when a man climaxes and ejaculates (releases semen) sooner than he would like to during sex. Simply put it is when you have an orgasm and ejaculate at a time that you or your partner may feel is too fast. A common problem! Question that may arise is what is the appropriate fixed time for a man to ejaculate? There is actually no pre-defined time. Premature ejaculation is usually considered when the man ejaculates within a minute of his penis entering his partner. It may also be when some men ejaculate during foreplay or when they are trying to insert their penis during sex. The point to note is that if this happens occasionally you have nothing to worry about. Though if this happens regularly, if you ejaculate prematurely more often than not, then its time to consider this seriously and seek help.


What causes premature ejaculation?
There are many reasons why a man may have premature ejaculation. These can be biological, chemical and/or emotional reasons. There can be issues with the neurotransmitters in the brain that rule sexual excitement. A chemical imbalance in the brain can cause a lower threshold for ejaculation. Psychological factors such as performance anxiety could also be a cause for premature ejaculation. Premature ejaculation can develop after a period of normal ejaculation also. In this case it could be due to factors like anxiety, stress, erectile dysfunction or relationship issues. Consuming alcohol and recreational drugs can make it worse. For some men physical problems such as impotence or high blood pressure may also be a cause for premature ejaculation.


How is premature ejaculation diagnosed?
Unlike other medical ailments there is no test to diagnose premature ejaculation. The doctor will ask you questions about your sexual history and details about the premature ejaculation to diagnose it.


How is premature ejaculation treated?
There are different treatment options which your doctor can guide you with. The good news is that there is a treatment course for premature ejaculation. It’s not something you are stuck with for the rest of your life. Step 1 would be visiting your doctor to start the treatment course best suited for you. Some of the options are –


Sex therapists and other specialists, like psychologists, can help with premature ejaculation and other sexual problems too. Counseling may help identify any underlying psychological, sexual or relationship issues. It can also help improve other problems related to premature ejaculation, such as anxiety, stress, depression etc.


Behavioral techniques
There are techniques that can help someone ‘unlearn’ the habit of premature ejaculation. Sex therapists can advise on the techniques that are available to do this. The “stop-start” and the “squeeze” techniques are part of the behavioral techniques and can be quite beneficial.


There could be medicines available to treat premature ejaculation. However it is not recommended that you google this and take medicines mentioned on the internet without consulting a doctor. Medicines taken without proper guidance can do more harm than good.


Kegel exercises, which are exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, can also help to improve control over ejaculation.

This article on premature ejaculation, a guide for men and their partners, is intended to provide you with some basic information on the subject. A more thorough and detailed information will be available with your doctor. Talking about the problem with your doctor and your partner is an important step in treating this condition. When you work with doctor and your partner, you can often find a cure that will work for you.

The best thing you can do is visit a doctor, a certified expert on the subject who can guide, counsel you. A trained professional will be able to help you understand your issues better and then help treat the cause.


Question that arises is who do you go to? Where do you find the expert who can help you understand premature ejaculation and guide you and your partner to deal with it better.

Amongst the many sexologists and sex clinics out there, Oorja Clinic located in Delhi, Agra and Muradabad is one clinic you can trust. Oorja Ayurvedic Clinic, is one of the best sexologists in Delhi. Oorja Ayurvedic clinic is a versatile and unique healthcare facility specializing in comprehensive sexual health solutions. They have been committed to excellence in providing Ayurvedic-based healthcare services for individuals seeking expert sexual health treatment. With a team of dedicated, compassionate counselors and psychologists Oorja clinic creates a nurturing treatment environment with their experienced sexologist. Oorja Ayurvedic clinic blends Ayurveda with contemporary healthcare practices, ensuring optimal results and an exceptional patient experience.

So if you feel premature ejaculation is happening often, please know that it’s time to consult a doctor. Don’t google for solutions, just visit your doctor who can guide you better on the next steps.

Don’t feel ashamed or shy, you are not alone in this. There are many who face the problem of premature ejaculation and all may not be as wise as you to consult a doctor. So be wise and stay healthy!


Best Doctor for Premature Ejaculation Treatment in Delhi


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